Bold for Change: USA women’s hockey and their fight for what’s right

Would you support a team that has medaled in every single Olympics since 1998? Been in every world championship gold medal match for the past 17 years, winning 7 gold and 10 silver? Would you go to games? Would you buy jerseys? Now, would you be shocked if their national governing body did not even… Continue reading Bold for Change: USA women’s hockey and their fight for what’s right

Still no consequences for Baylor

Backstory: Anna and I have been sending each other updates about Baylor for months now.  Just a simple screenshot of who's been fired, who's been arrested, and what additional allegations have come to light.  There's sometimes a simple "omg" or "wtf Baylor", sprinkled with sarcastic comments about the possibility of finding employment there - given… Continue reading Still no consequences for Baylor

Jeanie Buss: an example of the struggle to balance life in and out of the office

I’m not a Lakers fan, but I know enough to know that the Lakers have been struggling. A team that is usually dominant has been struggling the past few years, missing the playoffs, struggling to get strong free agents, and, as recently brought to light, management issues. Last week, Jeanie Buss made the announcement that… Continue reading Jeanie Buss: an example of the struggle to balance life in and out of the office